Friday, 15 April 2011


1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Starting with the basics, our product utilises company logos and title sequences with a deep red font and, especially the opening titles with a scratched in effect on the words that appear on the screen. This was done as it utilised older conventions seen in horrors such as those made by Hammer Films and is not dissimilar from the opening tiles found in Halloween (1978).

Essentially, the idea was to make a horror sequence in a classic 1970’s style, with two characters doing the exact opposite of what two average people in a similar situation would do (going into the woodland). Conventions such as these can also be found in horror movies made by Hammer Films and in typical zombie films such as those made by George A. Romero.

We developed conventions in our film by NOT showing explicitly on screen the dead body return from the dead as a zombie. While initially, we planned to show one of his eyes sparking back to life we decided against it shortly before filming commenced. This helped us to develop conventions as it made the sequenced appear more shocking when the body jumped out of the trees to attack the female lead.

Challenging forms and conventions came easily to us as an initial plan was to have a teenage female zombie. Most horror films utilise at least one male main antagonist while we decided to use a female only. Men appear weaker in our production, while females are empowered. This can be seen by the fact that it is a dead boy the main antagonist is devouring on, and it is the main male who is killed first by the main antagonist, leaving the female lead to die later on.

During editing, we decided to manipulate the colour found in the woodland sequences to a much darker, and in some cases a red tinted hue. This helped to signify that these woodlands were dark, mysterious and evil and that innocent people should not be entering.

Music used was from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, as the incidental music found in several episodes was eerie and had a similar effect to what we had in mind. Eerie music is a typical convention found in horror films, especially in the opening scenes.

Typical conventions of horrors also include blood and gore, which we used a great deal of in our production, even going as far as to show a zombie harvesting on a corpses blood and guts. This was done to give a shocking and disturbing effect very early on in the movie, allowing the viewer a peak into what to expect from the rest of the movie. These conventions cam be found in films such as The Ring, The Ring 2, The Grudge and The Grudge Two. All of which show disturbing opening scenes that feature a slightly different cast to the rest of the movie, even though the rest of these movies are centered around the opening sequence.

A young cast was also used to challenge conventions, as typically a young Hollywood cast in a horror film are late teens/early 20’s. We decided that our film would be much more shocking if we showed teens who were around 15-18 fighting for their lives as they are much younger than the typical modern day horror cast.

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The romantic couple in the production are average middle class teenagers taking a romantic stroll in the park. They are Caucasian and are dressed casually in a style that does not conform to any particular stereotype (tracksuits = ‘chav’ & black clothing = ‘emo/goth’). The characters were dressed in average simple clothing to take away from typical teenage stereotypes and to encourage the viewer to see this couple as a representation of teenagers as a whole.

It can be seen that the couple are of a middle class background because not only are they taking a romantic stroll, which socially is seen as unusual for young teenagers, but also the male lead has an Apple iPhone, indicating that he, or his parents have the money to spend on such devices.

Women are also empowered in this sequence, as not only does the female lead outlive the male lead, it is a female antagonist who appears to kill the male lead after harvesting on a male corpse.

Age is the same across the board in our production, as the four characters presented to the audience are all young actors. We chose not to include older characters to show that age had no advantage in this situation and that having younger actors meant that as the film was aimed at a young (18-25) audience, they would be able to relate to them more.

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The product was specifically made to appeal to institutions such as Hammer Films. We achieved this by having a solely British cast and having few special effects so that audience could concentrate on the story and acting.

Also, our production appears (deliberately) small budget as many early Hammer films also had a similar feel. Films like The Blair Witch Project and Saw had low budgets, therefore having a raw feel that was able to focus on the movie itself.

Hammer Films would probably be inclined to distribute our product as it mirrors back to their earlier films and in some respects has a nostalgic feel through the storyline and acting styles which harkens an Enid Blyton scenario (‘what is that strange sound in the woods?’ ‘lets go and look’).

4) How did you attract/address your audience?

With the opening titles and music we were able to attract the audience by building suspense with the evolving images that made up our company logos and the loud eerie music that helped build the suspense.
Also, shown straight away as the camera pans to the ground is a couple preparing to sit down, showing that the action is happening straight away, even in the establishing shots.
The audience is also quickly introduced to the location of the couple (Birmingham) and a mysterious virus on the other side of the world. This encourages the viewer to feel sceptical about the male leads comments that the virus wont reach Birmingham.
A fade to black then shows a new sequence in an unknown woodland location, with a zombie eating away at a corpse. Initially, the viewer may think that this is the area in which the virus previously mentioned is, however after a direct cut back to the couple, the audience learns that this event is happening metres away from the couple.

The audience are now aware that the couple are walking into the danger zone and perhaps feel that the female lead will die first as she has entered before the male. However, in a unique twist of events, the audience is surprised and shocked to find that the zombie has mysteriously disappeared and that it is the boy who is killed first.

We also attracted the audience by using the dead corpse as the final zombie to kill the female lead, in a similar fashion to the original Saw film which saw a dead body get up at the end and be revealed to be the main enemy.

5) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Before taking on this task, I had never used a tripod or a DV camera before, so was quite surprised when I found them easy to handle and use. I was able to grasp the basic features and requirements of this equipment, while keeping in mind filming methods such as the 180 degree rule. I was able to use my newfound knowledge in a preliminary task which required full use of the tripod, camera and 180 degree rule in order to film a person entering a room, sitting down and passing another person a prop, which required match on action.

Furthermore, as my home PC equipment is solely Windows, I was new to Apple OS software, especially Final Cut Pro. After several starter activities, including constructing a Star Wars Episode III trailer, I found Final Cut Pro easy to handle and was therefore capable of editing the hours of footage filmed for our production down to just under 3 minutes into a fast paced horror sequence.

Similarly, I had never used BlogSpot before as I had never kept a blog previously. While I found blogging difficult at first I soon adapted but was never really able to get the hang of putting photos on there which appear to move around on their own. However, using this website for my production has encouraged me to begin keeping a personal blog in future as towards the end I began to find blogging an exciting part of my course.

6) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I found that in the preliminary task I was able to work fluently in a group with my peers; Laura Sheasby and Faye Slater. Together, we were able to film a preliminary sequence using two shots, match on action, close ups, medium shots and establishing shots while keeping in mind the 180 degree rule.

The three of us found that from this short exercise we would be able to work together in a group in order to film our final product. Also, we had similar ideas on the type of film that we would make and were able to compromise on differences in regards to production and creativity.

Filming was also easy for us as a group. Faye and Laura took it upon themselves to create the blood and props for the production, while I wrote out the storyline, scripts and directed the filming. We were also able to work together in a coordinated attempt to film the sequence as smoothly and as quickly as possible by taking it in turns to film and to act in the horror sequence.

I found that during the time span from the preliminary task to the finished product that the three of us would be able to work together in a group for future tasks and have already discussed the possibility of extending our task by filming the full movie in the summer of 2011. This is a direct result of what we have learnt over the last few months in regards to music, editing, mise-en-scene and camera angles, as well as the full production of a movie product from shooting on location, to editing it on a Mac in the college editing suite.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Editing & Music

After we had obtained all footage that was required to create our film, it was time to edit it.

As a group, the three of us began to use Final Cut Pro to edit our production together into a flowing, flawless horror opening. Through the use of colour correction, we were able to distinguish between outdoor sunny sequences to woodland haunting sequences.

We were also able to have the three images that were prepared for the company logos flow into each other, before showing the opening establishing shot of the park. Luckily, filming day II provided us with a cloudy sky, adding to the general gloominess of the production.

Musically, we were originally going to compose our own score for the product, however as time pushed on, we realised this was a dream that could never become a reality. Instead, I began looking at television soundtracks instead of movie soundtracks in an effort to find a cheaply made, yet effective piece of incidental music that could be used. After searching the internet, I couldn't really find a piece that I truly enjoyed. In desperation, I turned to my iPod, which had the full Buffy The Vampire Slayer score on it. I sat up one night and began listening to the various tracks on the album, with four standing out in particular.

  • Angel Waits
  • Twice The Fool
  • Moment Of Happiness
  • Faith's End

I played the tracks to the rest of my group, who agreed that these songs stood out as spooky, eerie and spectacular. We then incorporated them into the film on the final day of editing, playing around with the volume of the incidental music and the dialogue to get an even mix, so that both the action and the music could be heard comfortably by the viewer simultaneously.

One of the final edits of the production was having the zombie growls carry on into the next sequence, in order to make the whole piece connect together as a whole. For instance, as the female zombie eats the boy, her growl can still be heard as the camera cuts back to the romantic couple, likewise, the growl of the male antagonist at the end carries on into the cut to black, which implies action is still happening off screen.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Filming: Day Two

27/03/2011: Wrapping Up

There was not much else that needed filming the second time around, simply shots involving the couple and the conversation around the dead body needed altering. Also, on this visit we were provided with a College tripod, so used this opportunity to film the very opening shots again. All shots below were filmed the second time around.

In keeping with continuity, both myself and Faye Slater wore the exact same clothing as first time around. While Jack Wright and Laura Sheasby were present for the filming, neither were needed for any acting, but simply for filming and consultation purposes.






Friday, 25 March 2011

The Company Logo

The initial concept for the opening logos of our film included the name appearing in the colours blue, green and red entangled in a twisted vine of wildlife with cracks and blood decorated around.

Also, the initial design for BMF was to have the head of a bull appearing behind it, in a homage to the city of Birmingham, where the production was filmed. The idea on screen with this concept was to have an animation of the front facing bull smash its horns through the emboldened writing BMF, with pieces flying towards the screen in a 3D effect. When it later emerged that it would take too long to design such a logo it was deemed counter productive. However the idea of a bull was still alive.

Essentially, BMF Studios needed an image to associate it with Birmingham, similarly as 20th Century Fox’s opening logos feature the city of Hollywood, Columbia has Lady Liberty and Walt Disney features Cinderella’s Castle. Almost all movie studios have homage to their origins in their logos; therefore it became paramount that we needed the same.

I began to focus on the BMF Studios logo, believing that along the way an idea for the production company logo would come naturally. Now that I knew it was necessary to pay homage to Birmingham in the logo, I had my heart set on the image of a Bull, Birmingham’s most famous landmark appearing somewhere as the most featured image.

With the film itself being of the horror genre, it was necessary to have elements of darkness and horror within the logo. So I had to find a balance between a Columbia/Disney style logo and those used by Hammer Films and New Line Cinema’s red hued horror features.

After days of scouring the internet, I came across an image of the bull that one of my colleagues had already placed as a stand in for the rough cut of the film. It was by far the clearest image of the Bronze Bull, located in the Bullring, Birmingham available on the internet. I knew that this was the image that I had to use for the logo, not only because the bull could clearly be seen, but the angle in which it was taken clearly showed the Bull’s strength and power, which I wanted to mirror in the logo just as 20th Century Fox do with their structure being the biggest in Hollywood in their logos.

Naturally, the initial image of the Bull didn’t look very terrifying. It was taken at mid day with shoppers walking idly by in the background. The image had no horror impact whatsoever. I took it upon myself to bring out the true potential this image had.

Firstly, I removed the entire background leaving just the bull, and experimented with several hues, ending up with a reddish grey one. This image was to be the one with BMF Studios name on it, appearing as BMF Studios Birmingham Metropolitan Films MMXI.

By this point, I decided that for the sake of continuity and to signify the unity between BMF Studios and S.O.S Productions, that they would both feature the very same image of the bull.

However, before I began the SOS logo, I decided to create a simple black and white image of the Bull, to fade between the logos, giving it a concise and professional feel.

I then began work on the S.O.S logo. Here, the image of the bull is much darker with a deeper red colour, signifying blood, gore and horror. I decided that this image of the bull should be darker as the production studio solely focuses on the horror genre. Whereas BMF Studios, even with its red hue, can still range from a broad spectrum of genres. I also included an image of my own eye, coloured a deep red in the O of the S.O.S giving a creepy and inhuman effect to the logo.

The name of S.O.S comes from the initials of my groups last names. Sheasby, Owen, Slater. I did this to connect us on a personal level with the opening logos.

The final product, on screen looks amazing and the logos blend flawlessly into one another, before fading into a panning shot of the dark, grey cloudy sky, to the earthy ground.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Filming: Day One

23/03/2011: Filming.

Designated as the day in which the four of us would set out to Sutton Park and film all of our production, it went pretty well. We got there for around 10am, and sat at a quite part of the park where we prepared our make up.

By 12pm we were ready, and began filming the sequences as set out in the order they appear in the production journal. Finishing at around 3pm we looked forward to returning to College with the DV camera.

We were not, however, provided with a tripod from the college and this was a vital part of our filming. Thinking on our feet, we went to Argos and bought the most expensive tripod they sold at £50. The tripod itself was rubbish, it didn't behave as well as the one we had used in our preliminary task and our dress rehearsal. So, after we had finished with it, we returned it to Argos, since it was more than likely a faulty piece of equipment. We did however, make the best of a bad situation and got most of the shots we needed, however we did feel that eventually we would have to return to the park in order to film a few more shots.

Realising this, we focused on filming the two character that required the most attention, the zombie and the corpse, as we felt it would be counter productive the get them in make up on filming day I, only to have them dressed up again on filming day II. All shots regarding the zombie and corpse were finished on this day.