Sunday, 20 March 2011

Filming: Day One

23/03/2011: Filming.

Designated as the day in which the four of us would set out to Sutton Park and film all of our production, it went pretty well. We got there for around 10am, and sat at a quite part of the park where we prepared our make up.

By 12pm we were ready, and began filming the sequences as set out in the order they appear in the production journal. Finishing at around 3pm we looked forward to returning to College with the DV camera.

We were not, however, provided with a tripod from the college and this was a vital part of our filming. Thinking on our feet, we went to Argos and bought the most expensive tripod they sold at £50. The tripod itself was rubbish, it didn't behave as well as the one we had used in our preliminary task and our dress rehearsal. So, after we had finished with it, we returned it to Argos, since it was more than likely a faulty piece of equipment. We did however, make the best of a bad situation and got most of the shots we needed, however we did feel that eventually we would have to return to the park in order to film a few more shots.

Realising this, we focused on filming the two character that required the most attention, the zombie and the corpse, as we felt it would be counter productive the get them in make up on filming day I, only to have them dressed up again on filming day II. All shots regarding the zombie and corpse were finished on this day.




















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